Fall Trees – Great Smoky Mountain National Park

One of the obvious treats of autumn is the beautiful array of color, even in the simplest of scenes.  The Smoky forest is replete with reds, oranges, and yellows, in addition to wonderful greens from evergreens and moss.  Accompanying the color ranges are sounds of quiet breezes, acorns dropping, the “caw” of an occasional crow flying overhead, or sometimes a rain drop or two.

This October was the first time I had visited the Smokies in years, and I do not recall seeing as many boulders as I noticed this time around.  It sort of made me think that the Smokies could have also been called the Rockies.  🙂

The boulders around this tree were likely placed here years ago, if not a century ago, as this is about 30 yards from the old John Oliver home in Cades Cove.  But throughout the Smoky hills and valleys, large rocks and boulders (many of which are much larger than these) are naturally scattered in the oddest of places by God or his forces of nature.  Things that make you go hmmm….

Fall Trees at John Oliver Home, Cades Cove (Smokies)

This entry was written by Mark , posted on Wednesday November 09 2011at 01:11 pm , filed under GSMNP (Smokies), Landscapes . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

3 Responses to “Fall Trees – Great Smoky Mountain National Park”

  • Carl Gandolfo says:

    Very nice, bud!! Nice to know you were able to get this before the rain rolled in!!

    One complaint, though – no sound clip!! Not even with a “rock” theme!! LOL

    May I suggest:

    1. Papa Was a Rolling Stone
    2. Rock On
    3. Jailhouse Rock
    4. I Love Rock & Roll
    5. For Those About To Rock

    I could go on and on……

  • Mark says:

    Ha ha!! My vote is #5. 🙂

  • Brent Johnston says:

    Rock me, Amadeus? This photo does!

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