Scenes from a small town walk at night – Columbia, TN.
Captured while scoping out a sunset shoot; main highway through the park near Antelope Flats.
A few more …
As a white candle in a holy place, so is the beauty of an aged face. ~Joseph Campbell
One of the coolest places I’ve been in a long time! Old Car City is in rural Georgia, but it is world renowned. People come from around the globe to see it. From their website ( Old Car City in White, Georgia contains the worlds largest known classic car junkyard. Visitors enjoy the beautiful vegetation […]
Project 365 – Day 112 Fuji X100s, 23mm f/2.0, 1/125 sec @ f/5.6, ISO1250
Project 365 – Day 110 Fuji X100s, 23mm f/2.0, 1/50 sec @ f/2.8, ISO3200
Project 365 – Day 103 There are times when, photographically, I feel creatively blocked. To help break through, it’s fun to try something different like blending multiple textures and/or images. This allows me to selectively play with color combinations and impressionistic feelings, much like I could imagine a painter doing. As I “play”, shapes begin […]
Project 365 – Day 68 Fuji X100s, 23mm f/2.0, 1/8 sec @ f/11, ISO1600
Project 365 – Day 61 Enter with caution …. Fuji X-T1, 14mm f/2.8, 1/4 sec @ f/7.1, ISO800 – Handheld