Published at: 07:05 am - Monday May 25 2020
Sheltering in place has lifted, and small businesses have begun slowly opening. Yet still, there is an abundance of caution being taken here in Georgia. I took a recent rural motorcycle ride and stopped in Monroe, a small town rich with historical character. There was a buzz with about 1/2 of downtown businesses open, but many still had doors closed. […]
Published at: 09:03 pm - Monday March 30 2020
The Coronavirus pandemic is a global phenomenon with incredibly local implications. It’s easy to get hyper-focused on the worldwide aspect, the hit on large metropolitan cities, and federal and state government responses. Let us not forget the blow it is taking on the small business community; those who work their humps off daily, scraping by to […]
Published at: 10:02 am - Sunday February 09 2020
Meteorologists were forecasting a tiny bit of snow, but surprisingly it turned into 3″-4″ of beautiful winter wonder. Significant, but short lived (which bodes best for us in the south!). I couldn’t resist getting out for a quiet walk in the woods at the nearby park. Textures, forms, and shapes abound with several inches of snow layered on […]
Published at: 03:05 pm - Tuesday May 28 2019
I just returned from an extended weekend in western North Carolina with my best bud Carl. Among the many other great things about the trip, it reminded me how much I value and miss my small town roots. Small towns often do the important things in a big way! I witness this incredible example on my route […]