
As old as this rock outcrop must be, imagine the number of “fresh starts” it has seen.  Each day can represent a fresh start if we allow the sun to peek over the hill and shine on our face; a new beginning with no judgement about yesterday or worries for tomorrow.

God places the new day there for us to behold and find joy by just being present.

Sunrise Glow at Beacon Ridge, Blue Ridge Parkway near Grandfather Mountain

Sunrise Glow at Beacon Ridge, Blue Ridge Parkway near Grandfather Mountain

This entry was written by Mark , posted on Saturday July 21 2018at 09:07 pm , filed under Blue Ridge Parkway, Landscapes, North Carolina, Sun . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “Hope”

  • Carl Gandolfo says:

    One of my favorites from you, ever!! This needs to be printed and hung!! Beautiful image in every aspect, and perfect words to match!!

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