Eastatoe Falls – Brevard, NC

Thanks to my best bud Carl, I had a wonderful weekend packed with western North Carolina goodness!  It was a confluence of friendship, hiking, camping, and photography, all of which exemplify and reinforced to me God’s blessings of nature.  I often take for granted how much each means to me, not to mention their relatively easy access within only a few hours.

More to come, but this is one of my favorites from the trip.  Eastatoe is all you see in the photo and so much more.  This wide angle view does not reveal the enormity of these falls … a 60 foot high series of roaring cascades.  It sits behind an old south residential property, and the owners are kind enough to share their gem with visitors at no charge.  What a gift!

Eastatoe, Falls

Eastatoe Falls – Brevard, NC

This entry was written by Mark , posted on Monday June 11 2018at 04:06 pm , filed under Flora, Landscapes, North Carolina, Water . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “Eastatoe Falls – Brevard, NC”

  • Carl Gandolfo says:

    Dude, this is awesome!! Such a unique perspective…only you have an eye for the unique!! Wow!!

    It was such a GREAT weekend with you!! We don’t do it enough!!

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